What Should Be Enchanted in Hypocrite’s Free Update?

Hello everyone,

We at Daybloom Project would love to hear your thoughts on a potential update, especially from those who have experienced Hypocrite.

Originally, we had no plans to update Hypocrite—we intended to preserve the game in its original jam version and embrace it as it is. However, we've been reconsidering. Given the reception of the game, perhaps refining and enhancing it wouldn’t be such a bad idea. It might be beneficial for both us as developers and for you, the players.

If we do move forward with an update, one major focus will be improving the writing and storytelling—refining, restructuring, and even rewriting certain parts. But we’d love to hear from you! Your feedback will help us make this update the best it can be.

Feel free to share your thoughts in this blog.

Thank you!  //BabeElena

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